Science Journal of Business Management

March 2012, Volume 2012, ISSN:2276-6316

© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Is Shared Leadership the New Way of Management? Comparison between Vertical and Shared Leadership

Fragouli Evaggelia (Assistant Professor, Business School & Social Sciences, Aarhus University),

Alexandra Vitta (Researcher)

Accepted 26 March 2012; Available Online 2 April, 2012

doi: 10.7237/sjbm/196


A lot of articles have been written in order to indicate the effectiveness of leadership in teams, in enterprises and organizations and especially the importance of shared leadership. The fascination with leadership seems an enduring human condition. Numerous theories of leadership have been espoused over the centuries. The primary emphasis of these theories has been the individual leader.The purpose of this research is to widen the debate on leadership to include, not only individual level leadership, but also to explore the possibilities of ‘shared leadership’ at the group level of analysis and thus suggest movement toward a multi-level theory of leadership. Finally, we compare shared leadership and vertical leadership and we analyse the evolution of leadership.

Keyword: shared leadership; vertical leadership; management; new venture

