Science Journal of Economics Volume 2014 (2014), June 2014

© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Overview the Automotive Clusters, the Clustering Processes and Cluster Policy of Cee's Countries

Author: Akos Dominek

Széchenyi István University Regional Doctoral School

Accepted 27 May, 2014; Available Online 19 June 2014

DOI: 10.7237/sje/202


The objective of this research is to explore the actual status of cluster policies in Central and Eastern Europe and to compare clustering processes, funding systems and achievements of countries in the region. European automotive clusters represent a category showing clear-cut specialization. Embracing the assembly of passenger cars, buses and trucks as well as the manufacturing of engines and other parts, they represent a field where Europe is among the strongest regions of the world. As far as the initiative character, content, structure and financing resources of clustering is concerned, CEE countries show considerable differences , however, their objectives are the same, namely, they intend to create networked co-operation with partners from economy, research and administration to combine and further develop the existing strengths of the region.

Keyword:Clustering process,Central-East-European automotive clusters, Cluster policy

