Science Journal of Environmental Research, Volume 2015, April 2015
ISSN: 2276-7495

© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Management System
(Case Study: Graha Padma Estate, Semarang)

Salem Joma Othman Baba*1, Purwanto, DEA2, Henna Rya Sunoko, Apt, MES3

*1student in Environmental Science Study Post Graduate Diponegoro University.
2head of department of comical engineering Diponegoro University.
3lecture at public health in Diponegoro University.

doi: 10.7237/sjeer/186

Accepted on February 28, 2015, 2015; Available Online 14 April, 2015


Solid waste became one of the major issues in each country. The amount of solid-waste generated in Asian cities has increased tremendously in the last decade, mainly due to the improvement of living standards, rapid economic growth, and industrialization in the cities. The aims are: Describing the waste generation, type and composition in Graha Padma Estate, Analyzing the actual municipal solid waste management in Graha Padma Estate, Describing the implementation of 3R in Graha Padma Estate, and presenting the recommendation of municipal solid waste management in Graha Padma Estate. The result of study is the residents of Graha Padma generated solid waste every day. The solid waste they generated consists of many types. They are kitchen waste, papers, plastics, metals, glasses, and rubbers. By observations, the average weight of waste generated by a Graha Padma resident per day is 2 kilograms that consists of kitchen waste which were 0.92 kilograms, papers which were 0.35 kilograms, plastics which were 0.58 kilograms, glasses which were 0.30 kilograms and irons which were 0.05 kilograms.

Keywords:municipal solid waste management system, solid waste management Graha Padma

