Science Journal of Medicine and Clinical Trials
September 2012,Volume 2012, ISSN: 2276-7487
© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Research Article
Molecular Diagnosis of Human Metapneumovirus
Essam S. Badawy1,Sayed Mohamed Abdel Rahman2,Mervat Shafik Yousef3,Sayed Z. Bukhary4
1Assist. Professors of Int. Med., Minia University Minia
2Sohage University
3Clinical Pathology and Biochemistry, Ain-Shams University
4Consultant Microbiologist, MOH,KSA
Accepted 4 June 2012; Available Online 7 September, 2012.
doi: 10.7237/sjmct/139
BACKGROUND;The recent discovery of Human metapneumovirus
(hMPV) as a major respiratory pathogen has been made possible
by means of RT-PCR. Studies thus far published have mostly been
conducted using the molecular approach.
OBJECTIVES: Clarification of epidemiological and clinical features
and using molecular biological techniques for diagnosis of hMPV.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 189 patients with suspected viral
respiratory tract infections were included and respiratory
specimens were analyzed for hMPV by Seeplex respiratory virus
detection kit. Detection techniques that applied, include virus
identification by TC-PCR, DFA staining and the rapid culture
technique known as shell vial amplification using MAbs of nasal
wash or aspirate fluid. The epidemiological and clinical data were
analyzed and the later were represented as percentages where
RESULTS:The study determined 61(32.3%) respiratory viruses
in the 189 respiratory samples and showed presence of hMPV in
8 (13.1 %) of 61 samples. hMPV showed variable seasonal
activity. Six patients (75%) with positive hMPV had
preexisting serious disorders. By using the shell vial
cultures with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), the related isolated
virus of the patient with NHL, showed a plaque of infected cells
with small syncytial formations, while that of the other seven
patients showed single infected cells. All samples of hMPV
positive patients with RT-PCR were correlated whatever with
DFA staining or shell vial cultures by MAbs.
CONCLUSION: hMPV is a significant pathogen in
immunocompromised patients with a risk of high morbidity
and mortality. Using combination of diagnostic workup may be
useful to confirm detection of hMPV.
Keyword: hMPV-Epidemiology-Clinical characteristics- Molecular biological approach-DFA-MAbs-RT- PCR-Acute respiratory illness