Science Journal of Medicine and Clinical Trials
March 2012,Volume 2012, ISSN: 2276-7487
© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Research Article
A Prospective Study of Diseases Associated With Workers in the Printing Industry in a City of Ghana
2DE-GRAFT JOHNSON O. A., BA Publishing Studies, MPhil Art Education
2NYADOR E., BA Publishing Studies
3AGBENORKU M., BSc Human Biology, MB ChB
Accepted 14 February 2012; Available Online 31 March, 2012
doi: 10.7237/sjmct/158
Background: A lack of information on the overall characteristics of work-related diseases in the printing press industry in Ghana holds back the development of effective disease prevention strategies in the industry.
Objective: To identify the commonest disease conditions and factors that influence workers in the printing press industry to visit the hospital.
Study design: A prospective descriptive study.
Setting: Twenty randomly selected printing press houses in the Kumasi metropolis.
Method: Participants were workers of the selected printing houses; they were interviewed in simple and clear English language with pre-tested questionnaires which were administered to them in their respective printing houses.
Demographic data, disease conditions and factors for hospital visitation were obtained and recorded from September-December 2010.
Results: In total, 200 participants from twenty selected printing houses in the Kumasi metropolis were interviewed using questionnaires. Females and males were 37.0% and 63.0% respectively, with the age ranges from 18 to 65 years.
The three commonest disease conditions recorded were allergic dermatitis (58.5%), asthma (13.0%) and hypertension (13.0%).
The most prevalent (51.0%) factor for hospital visitation was sustaining of occupational injuries during work whilst injury caused by the printing machinery: moving parts 63 (31.5%) and sharp edges 33 (16.5%) played major roles in injuries.
Conclusion: The most common disease condition found after the study was allergic dermatitis whilst superficial injuries were a very high factor for workers to seek for health care.
Keyword: Printing industry, allergic dermatitis, occupational injuries, prevention, Kumasi metropolis.