Science Journal of Medicine and Clinical Trials
May 2013,Volume 2013, ISSN: 2276-7487
© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Research Article
Non Disclosure of Hiv Positive Status of Women to Their Partner : Implication For PMTCT in Central Java Indonesia
Mita Anindita1, Zahroh Shaluhiyah2, Antono Suryoputro3
1Postgraduate Health Promotion Diponegoro University Indonesia
Accepted 21 April, 2013; Available Online 16 May, 2013.
doi: 10.7237/sjmct/217
Background : The prevalence of HIV virus from mother to baby
or Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) is the largest cause of infant and
children infected with HIV / AIDS, which is 90%. This is the result of mother
to infant transmission during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
Without intervention, there is a 20-45% chance that the baby will be born
infected with HIV from a mother with HIV. Although many efforts have been
carried out over the past few years, PMTCT coverage is still low in Indonesia
Objective : to explore non disclosure of HIV positive status of women and the
implication for PMTCT program in Semarang City Method : The method of
this research is qualitative study with case study design by purposive
sampling for choosing the subject. Interviews were carried out with 3
participants. These were transcribed verbatim and manually analysed using
the thematic content analysis.
Results : The reasons of nondisclosure HIV status among respondent that was
respondent felt that her partner might leave them after know about HIV
positive status, the partner might be afraid of HIV from them, their husband
might think that their unfaithful because their husband might think that HIV
from person with sexual multipartner. The stigma related to HIV/AIDS and
the behaviors associated with HIV risk have resulted in significant barriers
to nondisclosure HIV status among respondent. All of the respondents did not
take ARV during pregnant, labour with pervaginam delivery, and they gave
formula feeding.
Conclusion : Need designing the explicit rules in Central Java to the people
who living with HIV/AIDS who nondisclosure with their partner, health
provider and deliberate to transmission her virus to the other. Counselling
when VCT also explained about PMTCT focus on dealing with social factors,
and behavioural beliefs that impact on disclosure of HIV status. Management
should address health system factors that result in non-disclosure of HIV
Keyword: Nondisclosure HIV status, PMTCT, partner