Science Journal of Medicine and Clinical Trials
April 2015,Volume 2015, ISSN: 2606-7487
© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Research Article
Are We Empowered? A Qualitative Approach to Unfold The Experiences of Female Nurses in Pakistan
Saleema Gulzar 1,2, Dr. Rozina Karmaliani3, Nasreen Lalani3 and Qurratulain Nasiruddin4
1,2Aga Khan University, School of Nursing,
Karachi, Pakistan.
3University of Alberta, Canada.
4Porgramme Co-ordinator, Urban Health Programme, Aga Khan University-Community Health Sciences
Accepted on February 04, 2015; Available Online 15 April,2015
doi: 10.7237/sjmct/260
The disparity of men and women in certain societies, such as Pakistan, is a growing concern. The disparity, unchanging mind-set, and definitions rooted in traditions do not free individuals from the socially bound gender identities. In such circumstances, educational institutions can become a way of transforming social structures. Considering female nurses in Pakistan as a case study, this paper explores the notion of “empowerment” and the factors responsible for empowerment or disempowerment of female nurses. The study also evaluates the role of a leading nursing institution in Pakistan namely the Aga Khan University- School of Nursing and Midwifery (AKUSONAM) in empowering female nurses. The data is collected through five focus group discussion among forty-five alumni of AKU-SONAM. The findings of the study presents an “inside-out” understanding of the term “empowerment” by female nurses of Pakistan and; enlists the challenges faced by women in Pakistan in becoming and working as nurses. The study also put forward recommendations for nursing professional bodies such as Pakistan Nursing Council and Pakistan Nursing Federation and other nursing institutions in Pakistan. The paper would serve as a guide to enhance further development in nursing and women empowerment.
Keyword: Women, Empowerment, Nurses, Pakistan