Science Journal Of Mathematics and Statistics
Volume 2012 (2012), December 2012, ISSN:2276-6324
© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Research Article
Research Article Disseminating Significant Learning in Statistics Service Courses
Author: M. M. Ojeda1, H. Sahai1,2 and A. Khurshid3
1University of Veracruz, Xalapa, Mexico
2University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, USA
3University of Nizwa, Oman
Accepted 23 November 2012; Available Online 219 December 2012
doi: 10.7237/sjms/103
Teaching Statistics is changing in higher education. Non traditional statistics service courses consider learning activities allowing students to get involved in real-world problems, by using methods and procedures for solving problems. Several approaches have been proposed in order to develop statistical thinking in action using the so-called problem based learning strategies .This paper reviews theoretical and practical considerations in using the projectbased approach for designing and implementing statistics service courses and training programs in applied statistics, followed by a review of the role of statistics in the research process. Several cases are commented in order to point out the key aspects that guarantee the successful implementation of the proposals.
Keyword: Statistical education, Experience-based learning, Statistical thinking, Training for statistics users, Statistics in higher education.