Science Journal of Psychology

July 2013, Volume 2013, ISSN:2276-6278

© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


So Michael Died: A (Ground for) Theological Response to Human Dignity Abuse in Africa

Dr. Olo Ndukwe

E-mail Address:
Phone Numberč: +234(0)803-711-4050
Phone NumberČ: +234(0)807-159-1261

Accepted 21 January, 2013; Available Online 29 July, 2013

doi: 10.7237/sjpsych/101


This paper argues that the death of Elder Citizen Michael Igiebor Okhokpa represents a manifestation of human dignity abuse in Africa. It calls for a theological response against the dehumanizing circumstances and contexts surrounding his death. Humiliating and maltreating persons created in the image of God, people who expended a better part of their gifts of life serving God through serving humanity, is unacceptable. The circumstances leading to Michael’s death are summarized, while its theological implications are outlined as: public theological response; public theology as prophetic discourse; advocacy as a theological response; conscientization as a theological response to public opinion (re)formation; and status confessionis / processus confessionis as good news to the wounded hearts.

Keyword:Michael, theological, God, confessionis, death

