Science Journal of Psychology

September 2012, Volume 2012, ISSN:2276-6278

© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article



Viviana Polo

Faculty of Architecture Art Design and Department of Costume Design University of Sanbuenaventura of Cali, Colombia

Accepted 17 August 2012; Available Online 17 September, 2012

doi: 10.7237/sjpsych/127


The possibilities for the permanence of a human being in a certain place depend on what tangible and intangible variables surround him and on the availability of "resources". Thus, it is historical conditions that dictate how our needs are projected and focused. Depending on channeled and suitable resources to serve our purposes, we implicitly make them ours. What is important here is not just how we use and exploit these resources but also how we emphasize our unconditional reason for their enduring presence and incidence in complementing man's vital cycles. Hence, material resources, created and adapted by man, create the spaces and time we live in. Therefore, these limitations let us know what is appropriate, which is represented in our dependence on objects.

History shows man's capabilities for survival and points out his possibilities to create links between the tangible and the intangible, between his physical and his spiritual world. The essence of creativity focuses on meeting man's needs, some of which may pose certain life or survival risks. What distinguishes man's conditions the most is what makes him evoke his first habitats for his physical body and his spirit. If we are open to reasoning and understanding, we can conclude that the true essence of inhabitability lies in the understanding of the relationships we establish with our environment. Therefore, inhabitability as a concept in product design takes us to the triad adaptation/viability/feasibility, a basic conceptual framework for product design that can guarantee a higher synergy and safety for humanity's future well-being.

Keyword: Active Poor, youth unemployment, business environment, jobless growth, entrepreneurship, Malthusian thesis

