Science Journal of Psychology

November 2012, Volume 2012, ISSN:2276-6278

© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Application of Transactional Analysis in ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking

Guey, Ching-chung

I-Shou University, Taiwan,Hwang, Shuw-Fen
National Kao-hsiung University of Applied Science, Taiwan

Accepted 17 October, 2012; Available Online 4 November, 2012

doi: 10.7237/sjpsych/249


This paper seeks to propose an EFL teaching approach on listening and speaking based on the theory of Transactional Analysis (TA) initiated by Eric Berne. In TA, the three ego states (Parent, Adult, and Child) of both learners and instructors in an instructional setting can be specified and analyzed. The transactions among different ego states may serve as both an access for catharsis of learners' emotions and a tool to fully reflect the components (cognitive and affective) involved in any given discourse. In order for both learners and instructors to be involved in the listening and speaking settings, we start by analyze and revise an abstract of learning material, and propose specific steps to be taken in applying TA theory and practice. The tentative instruction procedures include: 1) teach students the basics of Parent, Adult, and Child transactions, 2) help students to specify the ego state involved in the lines of dialogue presented to them, 3) require students to form groups to play the key roles covered in the adapted versions of dialogues, 4) enable students to adapt or revise the target teaching material on the basis of the theme on each session, and 5) allow students to play out their various roles according to the adopted version of the dialogue

Keyword: Transactional Analysis, EFL, listening, speaking

